Tuesday, November 30, 2010

VLCD 4 - November 30, 2010

Weight - 209.6

Rough night last night. My flu seemed to worsen and my sore throat came back.  Glad to see I lost a lb overnight. While I still peed (is that a word) a lot, I didn't have as many trips to the bathroom yesterday as the day before.  I >did< drink more water though...about a 1/2 liter more.

I feel like utter shit today but ...I don't think it's from the HCG...I think it's all flu related.  In fact, I'm kind of pissed about having the flu right now as it is hindering my real HCG experience.  How does it really feel to be on this stuff.  Is there no effect?  Is there mild effects?  Should I be getting an energy burst from this stuff?  Maybe I would feel even worse if I wasn't on the HCG???  Who knows?

One thing is for sure...I am really hungry this AM.  Haven't taken my supplements yet but as soon as I'm done here, I'm going to.  Also, going to try and apple in a few minutes and see how eating it earlier vs. late-afternoon works. Not starving...just want something to eat and the belly-gods are howling.

Going to change the diet today and go with baked chicken for lunch and dinner.

I've been in several HCG forums and I keep wondering about the food combos and recipes that I run across.  I am questioning ..."is it really that hard to follow strict protocol for up to 43 days"?  Some folks are combining different veggies in one meal.  Adding things like chicken broth, marinade sauces, etc...  I'm definitely not criticizing these folks.  In fact, I'm making friends with them.  Just curious if this is both necessary and...does it end of slowing the process. If you lost a pound one day eating off protocol, could you have lost two?  A curious mind wants to know!

Man o Man was the chicken goooooood.  I fixed it just like the shrimp but wrapped it up in plastic for a few hours before I baked it.  Dinner's was better due to it being wrapped up longer, absorbing the spices and lemon juice.

Fixed a mess of Asparagus for dinner.   Lemon juice, sea salt, a little balsamic v, and fresh garlic over the Asparagus spread out on a cookie sheet.  Broiled that in the oven until it reached the texture I wanted.  Man!  Can't wait until tomorrow to have some more.  

Didn't eat my fruit for dinner.  Got a new laptop this evening and wanted to get busy setting it up.  Got the chicken and asparagus down and that was plenty.  Not hungry either!

I am going to increase my dosage to 150ui tomorrow.  I think I'm just a little more hungry than I should be.  Manageable but I can tell I need a bit more.  We'll see how that goes tomorrow. 

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