Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Weight 198.6

I feel like a total idiot!  Last night, I really, really struggled with late evening hunger.  I almost went for the cottage cheese again.  Instead, I downed a lot of water.  That helped but made for a bumpy night of trips to el bano.

I was thinking about days that I wasn't hungry vs. days that I was.  I've adjusted my dosage but still have some occasional battles with hunger.  Is it candida related.  I don't think so.  So, as I was taking my supplements, it hit me.  The days I felt less or no hunger are the days I forgot my supplements.  This prompted me to check the labels and eureka!!!!  I think I found the culprit! There is dextrose in my magnesium and maltodextrin and mineral oil in my calcium.  BUMMER!

Even though I am over-weight, I've always been health conscious.  I'm extremely aware of the potential content of products and always...ALWAYS read labels.  I mostly buy NOW products for supplements but...was out of magnesium and calcium and ran up to Publix (the supermarket) and picked up some on the fly. Major Homer Simpson moment...can I hear a big DOLF!

Hopefully, I'll see a difference in hunger from not taking these two supplements today!

I appreciate those that have become friends/followers.  I love making new friends.  I'm getting about 30 page views a day.  Don't be shy!  You're getting to know me...let me get to know you!  Let's be friends!  This HCG jouney starts with the introduction of the protocol into our personal lives.  However, after the weight is gone, the benefits are life-long.  I see this as a remainder of life journey that has only just begun.  I don't plan on going away once the weight goal is met.  I want to keep the weight goal and help others as well.  I see the friendships made during this journey as lasting forever!

Can't remember if I've blogged about this yet and don't have time to go check.  One thing really making me happy...  I am fitting into clothes that I've haven't attempted to get into in some time.  In fact, those clothes are not tight.  I can see they will be a temporary thing and then back in the closet.  I have gone from squeezing into 38 waste pants down to where 36 are a hair loose.  It won't be long until I'm back into 34s.  Poor clothes!  They've been waiting all this time to feel loved again and it's only going to be a short run for them!  Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Jeans! Mine are feeling neglected too. I pulled a pair out and within a week'ish they were almost too loose. Whodathunk that vitamins would cause a setback! But I'm glad you figured it out. You're doing great!
