Saturday, December 4, 2010

VLCD 7/8 - December 3/4, 2010

Weight - Dec 4 - 204.4

Busy day at work yesterday.  Didn't get to post.  Really surprised to keep dropping.  I am staying pretty true to the protocol. I have increased my protein about 30g per serving for the last two days.  I am eating a lot of spices, fresh garlic, and balsemic vinegar with my food.  The garlic is awesome on the meat and asparagus.

Yesterday was my first real busy day outside the house.  I'm in sales and work from my home office when I'm not out visiting customers.  Most of the week, I was really sick. Friday is usually a light day but it was crazy busy.  I feel a ton better from the illness but there is still a bit of the recovery aspects from the flu going on.  I'd say I'm about 70%.  Had good energy but the head still feels a bit cloudy. 

I had to attend a business lunch with a prospective customer and some business associates.  Man, that was soooo hard.  Sitting there drinking H20 while watching everyone eat these great lunches.  Ugh!  I survived and didn't cheat.

Saturday, I played golf.  DIdn't play to well and still felt cloudy in the head...which I feel (and hope) is still residual from the flu.  Energy levels is what I was most interested in and they remained very high, hunger levels very low to non-existent.  Teed off at 12:20.  I packed a lunch in a soft-side cooler of 130g of chicken breast (with garlic and creole seasoning), a really nice tomato (sliced with a little bit of salt), and an apple.  I just munched on this stuff between holes and took my time doing it...a few bites here, a few bites there. 

After finishing, I decided to really test myself.  Went into the grill with the "fellas", most of whom had been drinking already during the round.  The conversation got pretty interesting, especially when it turned to the HCG protocol.  One guy, Mr. so reserved as to comment on something when he is sober.  Get a few beers in him and he is the most tunnel-visioned, bull-headed individual you could want to meet.  He's a really great guy most of the time but...I have to be drinking myself to tolerate him.  So, he has to start in on why I'm not drinking and knows I'm on the protocol.  Starts spitting out how I'm ruining my body because eating only 500 calories a day....I'm destroying my muscle mass.  I asked him what he knows about HCG and how it works.  "all I know is 500 calories a day, no exerices, you are burning muscle mass and that's not good".   Man, I just wanted to break something but, I considered the source and told him that if he wanted info on the protocol I'd be happy to get it to him, otherwise...SHUT THE F UP!

So, I sat there drinking H20 while the "gang" enjoyed their various liabations.  I have to admit, my mind was working hard trying to justify why a vodka on the rocks (or two) with a lemon twist would not be a hinderance.  But, I decided to stay tuff and passed.

Dinner was same as lunch except Romaine w/balsemic vinegar replaced the tomato.

Tomorrow, going for some menu changes.

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