Tuesday, November 30, 2010

VLCD 4 - November 30, 2010

Weight - 209.6

Rough night last night. My flu seemed to worsen and my sore throat came back.  Glad to see I lost a lb overnight. While I still peed (is that a word) a lot, I didn't have as many trips to the bathroom yesterday as the day before.  I >did< drink more water though...about a 1/2 liter more.

I feel like utter shit today but ...I don't think it's from the HCG...I think it's all flu related.  In fact, I'm kind of pissed about having the flu right now as it is hindering my real HCG experience.  How does it really feel to be on this stuff.  Is there no effect?  Is there mild effects?  Should I be getting an energy burst from this stuff?  Maybe I would feel even worse if I wasn't on the HCG???  Who knows?

One thing is for sure...I am really hungry this AM.  Haven't taken my supplements yet but as soon as I'm done here, I'm going to.  Also, going to try and apple in a few minutes and see how eating it earlier vs. late-afternoon works. Not starving...just want something to eat and the belly-gods are howling.

Going to change the diet today and go with baked chicken for lunch and dinner.

I've been in several HCG forums and I keep wondering about the food combos and recipes that I run across.  I am questioning ..."is it really that hard to follow strict protocol for up to 43 days"?  Some folks are combining different veggies in one meal.  Adding things like chicken broth, marinade sauces, etc...  I'm definitely not criticizing these folks.  In fact, I'm making friends with them.  Just curious if this is both necessary and...does it end of slowing the process. If you lost a pound one day eating off protocol, could you have lost two?  A curious mind wants to know!

Man o Man was the chicken goooooood.  I fixed it just like the shrimp but wrapped it up in plastic for a few hours before I baked it.  Dinner's was better due to it being wrapped up longer, absorbing the spices and lemon juice.

Fixed a mess of Asparagus for dinner.   Lemon juice, sea salt, a little balsamic v, and fresh garlic over the Asparagus spread out on a cookie sheet.  Broiled that in the oven until it reached the texture I wanted.  Man!  Can't wait until tomorrow to have some more.  

Didn't eat my fruit for dinner.  Got a new laptop this evening and wanted to get busy setting it up.  Got the chicken and asparagus down and that was plenty.  Not hungry either!

I am going to increase my dosage to 150ui tomorrow.  I think I'm just a little more hungry than I should be.  Manageable but I can tell I need a bit more.  We'll see how that goes tomorrow. 

Monday, November 29, 2010

VLCD - 3 (November 29, 2010)

Weight - 210.6  
Nice surprise!  Down almost 4 lbs from yesterday.  I was worried the Balsamic Vinegar and Garlic with the Shrimp might have been a negative.  I'll take 3.7 lbs any day!

Still feel like crap from the flu but a bit better.  It's now in my lungs. Ugh!  I feel like I have more energy today.  It was noon and I was hardly feeling hungry but went ahead and ate.  Had my steak again today with the spinach salad and a grissini stick.  Saving the apple for around 3pm.  

It's a couple of hours after eating now....I'm feeling really full.  I'm through about a a liter of water and a couple cups of coffee (1 1/2).  

I haven't mentioned that I am taking supplements as well.  I am taking Potassium and Magnesium.  I take the Mag anyways as it helps with muscle stiffness.  I'm taking B-12 sub-lingual (yes, I checked the ingredients), L-Carnatine, C, and a multi.  

Actually, I'm feeling pretty good today for having the flu and eating such a small amount.  

I mentioned the urine in a previous post.  Well, today, that oily, buttery look is much thicker or richer looking than before.  The fat must really be breaking down now. 

Got kind of hungry before dinner.  Ate the same Shrimp for dinner, which makes the 3rd night in a row.  Will definitely change the menu for tomorrow.

Feelin' pretty good right now!  Can't wait to see the scales in the AM.  Wish I could get rid of this damn flu.

VLCD - 1/2 (Nov 27/28, 2010)

VLCD 1 - Weight 216.8
Woke up to the perfect storm this AM.  You can imagine the hangover I had from the day before.  Also, had a major sore throat and flu going on. Add that to the HCG and I was thinking "WFT have I done?".  Oh well, the day before was a great day.  I got a lot of beef out of my golf buddies.  Some are just negative anyway and need something more out of life than golf.  Other were just "ball bustin" cause that's what guys do!  

Anyways, I was determined to get through that day.  Got my shot in.  At this point, I haven't bought a thing for the P2 part of the protocol.  So, off to Publix.  The shopping was pretty easy.  Got a pound of some beautiful fresh shrimp that just came in.  Got a couple of New York Strips that were on sale.  They had the Purdue Chicken breats on sale for $2.99 a lb.  I bought about 8 of those.  don't know how many lbs that is but....it's a lot of chicken.  

Got home, watched my beloved Louisville Cardinals win one over Marshall in basketball while preparing my steak.  I cut all the fat off the steaks and then cut them into 3.5 oz portions.  I got an even 6 out of it.  Cooked one right up along with some Romaine hearts, some grissini (a stick...I can't believe I found that stuff), and an apple.

For the rest of the day, I basically stayed in bed all day (feeling terrible from the flu and hangover).  I would say the HCG might have something to do with the flu, however, 2 of my kids got the same thing the same day.  Don't think that's HCG related, do you?

Got up around 6 and decided to fix the shrimp and had an idea.  Got out a non-stick pan. Squeeze 1/2 a lemon in the pan and 2 cloves of garlic. Shelled and portioned  the shrimp and put them in the pan.  Seasoned that with Tony's Chachere's Creole seasoning (checked the ingredients...everything looked ok).  Let that cook really slow over very low heat.  It doesn't take much to cook shrimp.  I just didn't want to lemon juice and garlic to burn.  Once the shrimp looked good, I dumped into a plate and sliced the shrimp into little bites.  Here is where I probably cheated a bit.  I also at the garlic that sauteed with the shrimp.  It was pretty small so I thought I would try and see what happened.  

Let me tell ya!  That was some kick-ass shrimp.  I found something I will eat for the rest of my life.  AWESOME!   I had that with some more Romaine, grissini, and apple.  I drank a lot of water and a lot of coffee that day.  Had some hunger!  But mild and as soon as I felt it, I drank water. It was very manageable!

Spent the rest of the evening in bed, sick with a 101.9 temp.

VLCD -2  Weight 214.4
Took some measurements of my Chest and gut.  Chest 47, Waist is 45.  It look like I have a football in my stomach.  I have skinny legs, a decent butt, skinny arms...but my chest and stomach look horrible.  And, I have this new face growing behind my original face.  FAT!  YUCK!  Man, am I glad I started this protocol. 

Lost 2.4 pounds though!  Yeah!

Still felt bad today!  Sore throat was gone but flu symptoms are not.  It's gone to my sinuses now.  Yuck!

Today, I'm fighting hunger a bit more.  Quite a bit more.  Not to where I'm out of control but....I am hungry and watching the clock.  Can't wait until lunch!

In case anyone is interested, I take my shot around 7:30 to 8:30 am and plan on sticking to that.  I weigh myself almost first thing.  Definitely before any liquids.  Try to get any bathroom requirements out of the way first...then weigh.

Had the same protein for lunch (new york strip) for lunch but switched to spinach and added just a bit of Balsamic Vinegar and a little salt to it.  Ummmm, that was good!  Didn't see where the BV was an issue.  Will monitor it.  Decided to save the apple for later.  Glad I did. I had this gnawing like hunger going on all day.  Ate the apple around 3:30.  Dinner about 6:20pm.

For Dinner, I had the same shrimp as the night before but a little more garlic.  Aweeeeeeeeeeeesome!  I could live on that.  Hope the garlic isn't screwing me up.  If you can have garlic powder, why not garlic?   Had the same spinach with balsamic vinegar and man, I was stuffed.  No more hunger.  Saved the apple for later and ate it about 8:20pm.

Drank about 2.5 liters of water and lots of coffee throughout the day.   I read in a thread on either HCGDIETINFO FORUMS or the Yahoo forum....how do you drink coffee black?  Buy some good coffee.  don't buy shit for coffee.  We always by starbuck or seattle's best and it's terrific black.  I used to drink coffee with a lot of cream and no sugar.  I'm not a sugar freak.  I just slowly started cutting back on the cream and realized there really wasn't that much difference in the taste. Great coffee tastes great!

While on the subject of liquids...my god....the trips to the bathroom...do they ever calm down?  Every 40 minutes to an hour, it's off to the head.  This is kind of gross but...worth mentioning.  If you're a guy, you are used to looking at your urine when you go #1.  It's in front of you, can't help it.  If you're not looking, you're not aiming...and some little lady is not going to like you if you miss aim.  So, you are looking!  I've seen pictures of what fat looks like.  Well, my urine has this oily look to it...almost like buttery look to it.  I believe that has to be the fat that is releasing which would be a good thing.

Loading Days 1-2 (Nov 25/26, 2010)

Like I mentioned in my intro post, I decided to use Thanksgiving as the "slingshot around the moon" to get my HCG journey started.  One thing that was a slight challenge...my oldest son who got married a year ago...and blessed me with my first grand-kid in July...wanted to us to spend Thanksgiving at their place, which is about 2 hours away.  They wanted to do this so both his and her families would be able to join in with them.  Good idea for not wanting to piss off either of the in-laws over who's house they were going to.  Bad for Dad, who just started HCG.  

But after thinking about it...the main reason in starting my HCG journey now vs. after the holidays is for the challenge.  I need to be challenged (as if the economy the last 3 years hasn't been enough) and this would just add a bit more to it.

So, I made up a kit of stuff I would need for the mixing, injection, and loading aspect of the diet and off I went.  I hadn't mixed my HCG at that point and really didn't think it would be that big of a deal to do it there.  Just needed to plan to make sure I had something to transport it back home in to keep it COLD.  As it turned out....I remembered everything but that...but it all worked out ok.

Loading Day 1 - I don't think I'm going to need more than one round of HCG.  In fact, for me, loading was so horrible that once I get this weight off....knowing that I had to load again to start another HCG round may be all the motivation I ever need to never need another one.  DISGUSTING is all I can think and say!  I ate as much high fat stuff as I could shove in my mouth.  I probably went overboard!! BUT, loading is one of the areas I found the least consistent info on how to do it right.   So, I just did my own thing.

First Mixing the HCG - Wasn't too difficult.  I watched a ton of you tube videos (some of them crack me up) and...not too proud of this but in my young and wild days, I experimented with a bit of intravenous drug abuse. (very short time...would not recommend it...remember, I'm a child of the late 60's early 70's)  So, I wasnt' intimidated by mixing this!  The only part that bothered me was getting everything out of the HCG vial.  I think I did a pretty good job but it was not 100% dry inside.  I purposely put in 2cc of Bac Water to make sure the concentration in the vial was more diluted.  That way, there would be less potency to anything left in the vial.

I used a 10ml vial, 5000ui of HuCoG, and added 10ml of Bacterial Static water.  That makes a 125 ui dose come out to 25 units in the syringe .  That works for me!  It just doesn't make sense to inject a lot more water than necessary.  

Speaking of injections....I don't know why I changed to injections over sub-lingual.  I think it was because I knew I wasn't afraid of needles, felt confident I could give myself the shots, and that it required much less HCG.  This stuff is not easy to get!  Well, it's not that difficult but it's not like running down to Walgreens.  I got 5 vials of the stuff so I am ok for all I'll need.  I'm just sure family and friends are going to want to do this after I'm done and all the extra I have will make it easy on them.

First Shot - Pretty easy..... wipe the top of the HCG vial with alcohol swab, wipe injection area with swab, insert needle into HCG vial and draw back to 40 units, let it fill, push plunger in to 25 units, withdraw, pinch some belly fat, insert needle straight in, draw back plunger a bit to check for blood, plunge it in.  There was absolutely no discomfort!  Like I said, pretty easy.

Actual Loading - I had about 6 Krispy Kreme glazed and chocolate glazed donuts to start off.  A little later in the morning, had some cheese, then Thanksgiving dinner around Noon.  Good gracious, If it was FAT laden, I ate it.  Turkey fat, skin, tons of gravy, tons of butter, etc...etc...  Dinner was over at about 1:30.  I was so miserable, I slept in a chair until about 5pm.  At some more all while drinking a ton of water!  UGH!  Drank about 1/2 bottle of wine throughout the day.

I forgot to write down the weight in the morning but I'm pretty sure I was 215

Loading Day 2 - Weight - 214.6Shot was a breeze.  Had a golf game at 11:30, so I ran down to McDonalds and got 2 - Bacon, egg, cheese bagels. They were like 580 in cals each!  Lots of fat too!  My wife got me a bucket of KFC Original Chicken thighs.  I packed about 8 of those in a cooler and ate those throughout the golf round.....along with 6 beers.  After that, hung around with the guys and had 4 white russians. 

From there, it was on to my favorite pizza, Grazianos Pizza in South Daytona.  Got a huge x-tra large (18") loaded NY style pie, had another beer while waiting on the Pizza and took the pie home to eat (yes, someone else was driving).  Cracked open a bottle of Pinot Noir and ate half the pizza and drank most of the bottle of wine.  

This completed my farewell to alcohol, food, and golf buddies for the next 2 months or so.  If you are ever in the Daytona area, you have to try Graziano's Pizza on Nova Road in South Daytona.  Vito has been making pizza on the Daytona boardwalk for over 40 years.  They moved a few years ago to the Nova rd. location.  TERRIFIC PIZZA!

First Blog - Hello and Intro...

Hello and thanks for dropping by my journey in the HCG protocol for weight loss.  My name is Bill....Masbirdies on most forums.  If you golf, you'll understand my screen name.  I'm an avid golfer, struggling to get better.  More birdies will always help in getting there!

I'm 52 and live in the Central Florida, near Daytona Beach.  I'm in pretty good shape and look much younger than my age.  I raced and/or rode off road motorcycles most of my life.  I got hurt pretty bad in a practice before a race in my mid-30's.  Part of my injuries involved crushing my right foot (heel).  The type of injury I have can actually become worse with surgery.  The Docs always want to see how it heals naturally before attempting surgery.  Mine healed better than expected naturally but still left me with a foot that had limited movement and would always have pain.  Surgery could make it worse so I decided to live with it.  I can still do a lot of activites like basketball, golf, etc.... but,  I can no longer run long distances (I ran cross country in H.S.) or do lots of running like wind sprints.  When I golf or play basketball...or even go shopping at a mall (lots of walking on hard floors), I pay for it the next day with a lot of stiffness and pain.

So, as I've gotten older, my physical activity has slowed down...and my weight gain sped up.  As of now I'm about 30lbs. over-weight...or over where I want to be.  Those damn charts say I should weigh about 165.  Most of my life, I was 180-185 and looked great.  I didn't look 25 lbs overweight.  So, my first goal is to get back down into the 185lb range where I was about 10 years ago.  This means I want to lose about 30lbs with this round on HCG.

I normally lose weight pretty easy but...somehow, I really lost my motivation to do it the hard way....the gym.  I've been in the gym for a good part of my life.  It's just not that appealing right now.  I think the weight gain has robbed me of energies that stimulate motivation.  I've been really lethargic over the last few months.  So....it's time to get busy doing something to get the weight off.

I found out about HCG over a year ago.  But once I looked into it, I dismissed it as too expensive and too rigid.  A co-worker was going to a local doctor for the treatments.  She lost a lot of weight but it was really expensive and she has gained a lot...or, I think even more, of the weight back.   

Then, about 2 months ago, a number of employees at my local golf course started dropping weight like crazy.  When I asked them what they were doing, it was HCG.  They were getting the hHcg from a local DC.  When I read / heard about the loading, lo-cal aspects of the diet, etc.....I thought these people needed mental health help.  The concept went against anything I knew to be healthy for the body.

So, while bored one evening, I started cruising the web looking for info on the HCG diet. Fortunately, I found some of the good sights first.  I read Pounds and Inches and was very fascinated by his research.  Then, I started seeing the name Kevin Trudeau associated with HCG.  If I had not have read P and I first, I would have dismissed HCG all together.  I'm not going to go on a rant about my feelings regarding KT.  However, I know all about him from things other than HCG.  I wouldn't buy anything or take any advice from that flim-flan man...especially such a radical diet idea.  Enough about that....

 From Pounds and Inches, I went to You Tube and found many good vblogs there.  Probably watched Mamacloks the most. They were most helpful with the visual evidence of the results of the protocol when followed correctly.

Which brings me back to my golf course buddies.  From everything I learned through my web searches, I found that while these folks were losing lots of weight, they weren't following the protocol, therefore, their results may be temporary.  I decided against purchasing from their source (and the advice that went along with it) and venture into this on my own.  

I decided to go rxHCG and initially to do sub-lingual.  I don't know what changed my direction to injections, but, somewhere along the search for suppliers, I did.

I initially ordered my HCG in early October. I wanted to get through my first round before Thanksgiving.  The experience was a bit frustrating.  First, they were out of the HCG (HuCoG) brand that I ordered.  That was a small delay.  Next, my shipment got stuck in U.S. Customs.  It never came out.  Bummer!  

I will say the supplier was great in getting me a new supply out and it was before 30 days.  I received the 2nd order about 9 days from the time I was told it reshipped.  So, I get the stuff but now it's about 10 days before Thanksgiving.  Decisions...Decisions!   

I decided I could no longer look in the mirror and accept the face and body I was seeing.  The holidays would have to sacrifice (yes, the food, the parties, etc...all of it)  I could start 2011 with a new body. All of the sudden, some missing motivation and will-power appeared.  The decision was made.  I would use Thanksgiving as my loading days (Thurs/Friday) and get busy.

And, that's what I did and my journey is now on it's way.  I'm starting this blog at the beginning of my 3rd VLCD day in Phase 2.  So, on with the blog!