Monday, December 27, 2010


Weight - 194.2

OK, I have to talk about this even though it's an unpleasant subject.  I've been running this experiment with the scales every morning.  I started this little experiment because of a little surprise I stumbled into one morning.

Every morning, I get up, go to the bathroom, strip and get on the scales. One morning, while weighing in and following the normal routine, I had the signal that a #2 was necessary.  What's a number 2?  It's a release from the rear of the body when using the toilet. That #2.

Well, I sat there for a few minutes and only non-solids other words, I just sat there and farted a few times.

Afterward, for some reason, I got back on the scales. I was really shocked to see the weight went down another.2 lbs.  I thought that was really strange because I didn't think gas would have anywhere near that kind of weight. I've done a healthy #2 before and not moved the scales that much.

I've tested this like over a half-dozen times and each time there is a drop of .2lbs.   Some days, pre-fart, I will weigh myself like 10 times in a row.  Each time is a consistent reading.  Then, pass some gas and down another .2.

So, to achieve maximum loss readings, make sure you check you weight after all forms of internal elimination are completed!  Those stalls or gains may actually be turned into a lossHave you had your morning fart today?

This was really hard to write with a straight face but I swear it's all true!

Down another .6 this AM (after all internal elimination completed).  I'll take it because yesterday was really hard.  

My dosage from this new batch must be off.  I ended with  doing 175ui on the first batch so I continued that with the new batch. It's not working up to expectations.  Today, I backed off to 150ui.  I'm just too hungry compared to the old batch.

With this batch, I was a bit more careful to make sure I got every little drop out of the HCG's original container.  I don't think I was as careful with the first mixture and may have left enough in the vial that made the mixture I was injecting less potent.  So, we'll see if I feel better over the next two days.  

With the old batch, I was not getting really hungry until late at night.  With this batch, I've got a mild hunger all the time, even after eating.  Same thing was happening when I first started at 125 ui and finally got it working at 175. I hope to get this one under control because I am struggling mentally with the confines of this program.

I went to Wally World yesterday to get their 96/4 ground beef. I cruised by their seafood section and they had a pack of mixed squid, shrimp, and octopus for like $8.  It was pre-cooked and looked delicious. I imagined heating it up with some lemon juice, garlic, and Tony's creole.  Got it home and divided it out in about 8, 112 gram servings.  

The looks ended up being much better than the taste!  The squid tasted really strange...kind of a fuzzy taste to it.  Overall, it was pretty good protein and I tried something different.  I froze the rest of it, debating whether I will pitch it or try it again.  Pretty low quality!

I had one cheat yesterday...well, around 11PM last night.  There was one piece of the home-made pizza left.  I couldn't resist!  I WAS HUNGRY!  Still, I had the .6 (adjusted for gas) loss so not disappointed.  FIX THE DOSAGE QUICK!

And, would someone please fix the damn weather here?  Yesterday was like high of 49.  Today, 50.  At least it's sunny but this is one non-typical Florida winter.  I would hate to have come down from the north and paid money to be here right now.  Not fun!

1 comment:

  1. Your gas story is hilarious! I would have thought that it was weightless. I have enjoyed reading your hcg journey. Thanks for sharing.
