Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Weight 194.2

Today is going so much better than the last 3 or 4 in regards to hunger.  Skipping yesterday helped until around 11PM.  I got really hungry and fixed a protein shake.  I slept pretty well after that and gained .4 but that's ok.  

Today feels like it should.  Virtually no hunger...very content.  I injected 140 ui today.  I think it will take until tomorrow to know if I need more or not.  Just happy being in a good place now.  The last couple of days I was in agony!

So, does that mean I have any reservations regarding HCG.  Absolutely not!  I'm 100% convinced that it's a dosing issue with me.  Some people (like mamaclok on you tube) claim they could never get the dosage right on the injections and do the Sub-lingual instead.  If today had not turned out the way is has, I would probably have tried switching to subl for the balance of this phase.

Getting pretty here in Sunny FL.  Near 60 today and in the mid-70s for the remainder of the week and through the weekend.

I'm getting excited about the big game on Friday.  I'm already getting emails from my UK fan friends, giving me all kinds of stats why UK will win this game.  I'd type a really offensive, 2 word, 7 letter sentiment towards these friends that I barely tolerate.  However, I might offend some readers in the process so I'll play nice and...just think it really hard.

Off to the driving range to smash some balls with visions of the wildcat logo on the back...right where I want to make contact with the ball.  

Did I mention that I hate everything UK?  It brings out the worst in me!

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